Monday, May 20, 2013

Đừng lo Ate Nga!

Bạn bao nhiêu tuổi? 72 that was the first answer you gave me when I asked your age. Smart me that I got that answer right away and managed to have that getting to know conversation. Time's fast.

I was questioning myself what went wrong with you. Today I want the world to know this someone who's very special to me. She's my sister by choice of our Father in heaven. I was given to her and she's to me for God's great purpose only us could feel as sisters.

She taught me to live my life to the fullest.

She's very wise, good at almost all things, someone who's not so beautiful (joke), a happy person despite of hers. She who takes time to be with me to do funny simple happy things together, someone who never failed to cheer me up, someone who has the capacity of hitting my nape or forehead whenever I'm at the state of my stupidity. Someone who shares her own food and strength to me to make me feel good. She always try to help me to bring out the best of me. She encourages me more than a real sister can do. She is real, she is especial and wonderful. Dear Ate Nga, I wouldn't lie to you here. Tôi bị lạc. I'm getting more than sad whenever I see you sad or quiet. There's this awkwardness between us for the past 3-4 days and I don't want what's going on. I can't let you to be always like that, be fair to me ate.. You all know what I've been through but I hate that you are not telling me how you really feel. I can understand you Đừng lo... I am really worried to you even if you say you're just fine because I can see that you're troubled this day. You're changing a little bit. I am afraid to wake up one day without you here in Copenhagen. I know people come and go but like what I've told you, you're one of those people who I really treasure and love. Thank you for helping me to stand against and again. For teaching me. Bạn thật tốt! For loving me as your little sister. I wish that we will still continue our sisterhood until the end of our lives. Even if we are apart, got boyfriends or get married and have kids. I want to grow old knowing that I always have you as my big sister. Ate... Tôi thích đến Việt Nam một ngày nào đó and have good days with you there someday. Đừng lo! Tôi yêu bạn!

 Dear Father,

Thank you for allowing us to meet in this world. I pray for her good fortune and success in life. She's a great sister so please reward her of a very blessed and happy life. Let her always feel your love. Make her more beautiful because she needs that (kidding aside hahaha). Make her always safe and secured. Bless her father as she is always a blessing to us. I pray for our sisterhood to have no end for I love her like a real sister too. Father, grant her a peaceful mind and lastly, please select the best for her as you direct her toward her future plans. Thank you Father.

-Bong hee moon gyu young. LOL! Cha